Due to the continue increase of cost from ASA many towns have decided to pull out of ASA (Alberta Soccer Association) a few of them are apart of Sunny South and will affect the travel for our Taber teams. Some of those towns include Magrath, Raymond, Stirling and Cardston. However travel will be cut down to only 45 minutes tops for driving. We are working to make sure that our athletes are still able to play soccer this spring.
More information will come out as we get closer to the season. For now registration will continue as always.
Update Feb. 10th
We are continuing with ASA under Sunny South but have teamed up with Lethbridge so we have teams we can play against. All games will be in Coaldale and Lethbridge, if we can get more than one Taber team, we will also have games in Taber. We realize that things are changing however, we thought this was a better option than not having soccer at all. If you have any questions please email interleague@tabersoccer.com
Age groups have also changed to even years. U14, U16, and U18. Lethbridge has their age groups like this and this allows us to be able to continue to play.